We all have our collection of recorded memories. Priceless moments on movie film reels, video tapes and transparencies, forever captured. Or is it forever?
It is generally accepted that magnetically recorded videos such as VHS, VHSc and 8MM video have an expected life of 20 years +/- before serious degradation occurs. Though film has a considerably longer expected life it is important to consider migrating movies and images to a digital media to assure playback system availability in the future. Transferring your old movies to a digital medium such as DVD or USB Flash Drive is the best way to stop the aging process, share images of your past and to assure future playback compatibility.
We convert most formats of video tape such as VHS, VHSC, 8MM and DV to DVD or Flash Drive. Prices start at $34.95 and quantity discounts are available.
For info and current service time call us at 508-240-1300 or Printed@Orleanscamera.Com
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